About Us

Take a deeper dive into Realm

About Us

Take a deeper dive into Realm

About Us

Take a deeper dive into Realm

Realm Manifesto

We’re on a mission to empower 10 million hustlers, creators, and dreamers by 2032. We’re here to redefine how you work, think, and create.

Our Promise to You

We believe you deserve a space that's truly yours—a place free from social pressure, tracking, and ads, where your privacy is always respected.

In today's world, our data is constantly being pursued. Privacy is often sacrificed for convenience. Social media, newsfeeds, ads, and corporate agendas scatter our thoughts and information everywhere.

Our Principles

At Realm, we promise:

  • No social features
  • No collaboration pressures
  • No vanity metrics
  • No social pressure
  • No tracking
  • No ads
  • Always private

A New Way to Think

Our brains are incredible but sometimes unpredictable. We can remember childhood memories but forget yesterday’s outfit. Realm helps capture those fleeting moments and ideas, keeping them safe and accessible.

Imagine a tool that works like your brain. It collects everything you see, read, hear, and think. A place where you can access all your thoughts and inspirations anytime. A digital extension of your mind, just for you.

Your Digital Safe Space

Realm is your personal haven in the digital world. It's not just a productivity tool or a cloud storage service. It’s a new kind of space where you can organize your thoughts, work on your projects, and find your flow. All while knowing your information is secure and private.

Our Story

We are a young team of three, and we have experienced the same challenges as you for years. Realm originated as a solution to our own daily productivity struggles. We sought a tool that genuinely respected our thought processes and supported us in staying organized and focused. What began as a personal project has evolved into something we are thrilled to share with everyone.

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13,807 mins

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13,807 mins

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13,807 mins

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13,807 mins

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13,807 mins

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13,807 mins

Stats till now

Our alpha was a hit

We got more than 700 users within 1st week. We also bagged these badges.

We got more than 700 users within 1st week. We also bagged these badges.